June 15, 2011 - The HEAT Is On (...or is it???)

Last summer, the Miami Heat became the only team to throw themselves an NBA Championship celebration before the season actually began. Surprisingly, that didn't exactly endear themselves to the rest of the NBA world. Of course, much to the delight of the NBA fans of 29 other teams, things didn't turn out exactly as planned.
To be fair to LeBron though, it's still probably better to lose a championship and wake up the next morning in South Beach than it is to lose a championship and wake up the next morning in Ohio, no matter how much most of the world seems to despise you.
Either way, this video gets better and better every day. My favorite part is a tie between Chris Bosh's little dance when he first comes out, the announcer thanking LeBron for gracing their humble city with his presence, or Chris Bosh speaking Spanish.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize they'd done this. Too funny! I do I agree with you, though. I'd rather wake up in South Beach.


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